
Rainy days from Last Weekend! [アメリカ生活]

It was bad weather from last weekend here, it was not rain luckily when I went out last weekend.

An upper picture is the nearest station of PATH. I can go to 33st of Manhattan directly.

I tried to photograph Empire State Building. The sky is flog. And I tried to photograph one building because I was interested in it, I think it is an apartment.

This is Bryant Park. I flet defferent atmospheres to have come before.

先週の木曜日ぐらいにはOfficeの周りに周囲の山?というか丘から流れてきた水がたまって、すごいことになってました。きっと泳げたと思いますね(^^; 出勤できない人もいました。ニュージャージは沼地とよばれるくらいなので、水がたまりやすいのか??帰りはずぶぬれになったのは言うまでもありません。
The place around my office became the submergence by the rainwater which flowed from neighboring hills last Thursday. I think I was able to swim there!(^^; A person who works with me could not go to office. New Jersey is called "a boggy place", so that puddles are made easily?? You know I had got wet through when I came home.


久々に晴れたんです(^0^)/ とくに出かける用事はなかったんですが、家にいるのはもったいない!!と、外の天気に誘われるようにして、出かけちゃいました。
Today is .....a fine day (^0^)/ Though I did not intend to go out today, good weather took me out forth!!

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